Personal Computer Resource Sharing Service for AI


WE-AI is a node service that benefits individual PC users by utilizing the idle GPU resources of personal computers to handle complex AI computational tasks through task partitioning, virtual asset provision, and resolves the issues arising from the proliferation of AI services and the shortage of GPU computing and cloud infrastructure supply.

The mission of WE-AI Service

  • Develop a node service that performs distributed AI computation using the idle GPU resources of personal computers.

  • Design and implement an efficient architecture for distributed processing.

  • Build a secure system considering security and privacy concerns.

  • Support large user groups with performance and scalability in mind.

  • Establish a virtual asset reward system to compensate for the provision of idle resources.

  • Expand to a distributed artificial intelligence network that realizes the decentralization and persistence of data by utilizing blockchain distributed ledgers without relying on centralized data repositories.

  • Provide AI solutions, collaborate with research institutions and companies to identify potential use cases, and secure various AI tasks.

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